Sunday, March 28, 2010



Kate said...

All the elements in the photo work so well together: bench, lovely green grass, sky, water, and clouds. Great composition!

Isha Shiri said...


Roder Rock and Isha Shiri

- We have a new blog; "Yeladim - Children" - and would like invite you to know it

*Yeladim (*children in Hebrew), involves issues of child education, toys, games, educational sites and music, suitable for babies and young children.

Welcome suggestions and contributions on related subjects.

"... Let the child lick the honey while saying each letter of the word of G'd - and that each sound always sweet words in your language."

Wishing you love and Peace

elvira pajarola said...

I am a lover of wild Nature.....this place i really do love!!!!!
Wonderful Photo......just FANTASTIC!!

ciao ciao elvira

Ninon Nickerson said...

I keep coming back to this photo. The color of the water is so amazing!

Espresso said...

I would like to sit at the bench...and admire the views :)