Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Details of an old and poor home wall.I like it because its like a sculpute!


perle de rosée said...

And do not it rain in Greece ? A such blue sky I never saw in my life !

Edwin Sumun said...

kostas! your picture sites are stunning and beautiful! the holy mountain journey has left me speechless! if malaysia wasn't that far away, I would impose on you to teach me to master my camera. I've been admiring Carlos (barcelona DP) for months and now, I'm inspired by the beauty of your shots. bloody hell! ;)

drop by KL Daily Photo anytime. I would truly appreciate your thoughts on my amateur eye. (I'm now thinking of starting another blog for my other pictures)

kostas said...

Greek sunlight is fantestic and unique!
Ask some foreigners artists.Its an open photography studio!
For Edwin,thanks you for your comments.I love photography and I learn everyday.Take your camera and follow your heart!Look at what you like and taste your visions.
Have a nice day.